Daniel Aguirre de Cárcer. Senior researcher.
daniel.aguirre@uam.es, CV.
Assistant Professor. Department of Biology (UAM) 2015-
Marie Curie International Incoming Fellow. CBMSO 2013-2015
Postdoc. Stream in Metagenomics CSIRO 2008-2011
PhD. Microbial Ecology and Bioremediation (UAM) 2008
BSc. Biology (Molecular Biology and Biochemestry) (UAM) 2000
Alberto Rastrojo. Senior Researcher
Assistant Professor. Department of Biology (UAM) 2020-
Postdoc. Viral Metagenomics CBMSO 20013-2020
PhD. Molecular genetics and transcriptomics (UAM) 2013
BSc. Biochemestry (UAM) 2006
Ramón Gallego. César Nombela senior Fellow
César Nombela Fellow, Department of Biology (UAM) 2024-
Maria Zambrano Fellow. Department of Biology (UAM) 2022-2024
Postdoc. NOAA (USA) 2019-2022
Postdoc. School of Marine and Environmental Affairs (University of Washington, USA) 2017-2019
Postdoc. School of biological Sciences (University of Auckland, NZ) 2014-2017
PhD. School of Biological Sciences (University of Auckland, NZ) 2014
BSc. Biology (UAM) 1999
Silvia Talavera. PhD student
MS in Bioinformatics and Computational biology (UAM)
BSc. Biochemestry (UGR)
Silvia studies the metabolic determinants of community assembly and ecological drift in microbial ecosystems
Rubén Chaboy. PhD student
MS in Microbiology (UAH)
BSc. in Biotechnology (UZ)
Rubén studies the microbial community assembly of the rhizosphere microbiome
Paula Cobeta. PhD student
MS in Microbiology (UAM)
Bsc. in Biotechnology (UZ)
Paula searches for biotechnological applications to improve salinity tolerance in plants
Jon Matas. Research assistant
MS in Molecular Biology, genetics and biotechnology (Lund University)
Bsc. in Biochemistry (U. Navarra)
Ex members:
Gabriel Roscales. Research Assistant
MS in Microbiology (UB)
Bsc. in Biotechnology (U. León)
Lucía Jurado. Undergrad student